p o r t f o l i o

please check out artslant for further examples of my work

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

april series

for the month of april i am composing a 4"X4" piece per day using brochures that i picked up in france.........and a stapler.

i believe that is MY stapler.

you can see the rest of april on my facebook fan page, Lance Carlson, Artist.


Vickie said...

These are very nice - keep it up - it is great you are doing this on a daily basis, which is very inspiring to me.

Lance Carlson said...

spoken like a faithful art wife

Michelle (Missy) Stein said...

I plan at some point to have my students (probably the 8th graders) complete a project similar to the April series. Would you be interested in coming to speak to the class and do a demonstration? Contact me at my home email - artistein@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you!